3. Hang ’em Up

Get one or two images from each vacation printed. Nowadays you don’t even need to get a frame – just order a canvas print. They come ready to hang. If you go with the frame, IKEA has some collage frames that hold three images. One year when I was feeling like we hadn’t gone anywhere in forever (say it like a teenager to get the full effect), I looked at the pictures on our “vacation wall” and realized we had hit two states and a different country in an eighteen month time span. I guess we had gone on vacation.
4. Slide show on the big screen

When we come home from a trip, somehow every relative in a 75 mile radius shows up at my house within a week (I guess they think we have t-shirts for them). In the old days people pulled out the slide projector (remember those?) and screen (going waaaaayyyy back), argued over the bean bag and settled in for a show (or the coinciding nap). Now you can stick the images on a DVD or thumb drive (if you have one of the fancy TV’s) and just push play. The pictures rotate through the screen and none of them will be upside down (you have to be of a certain age to get that one).
Nice idea