7. You realize Malaysian flag looks like the American flag.

A common question asked by a lot of foreigners. It is actually derived from the flag of East India Company during the British colonization. 14 stripes represent 14 states of Malaysia. The crescent moon symbolizes Islam and the 14 pointed stars symbolizes the unity of 13 states and the federal government. The color yellow is the royalty’s color, dark blue represents the unity of the people, red and white stand for equal status in the federation.
8. You realize most Malaysian never went up to the Petronas twin tower.

“No, I have not gone up to the Petronas twin tower.” That’s the answer you get from most Malaysia. I have been asked a lot of time but I just haven’t gone up yet despite there’s an observation deck and a sky bridge which is quite exciting to experience. If Malaysia is your once in a lifetime trip, you should definitely check it out.
sowdo maxamed
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