9. You realize there is endless food to try here.

A multicultural country also has a variety of food because of the mixture of different cultures. There is too much food to try out here, majority mix of Malay, Chinese and Indian cuisine. Nasi lemak, nasi kandar, rendang ayam, mixed rice, char kuey teow, dim sum, roti canai, banana leaf rice and all sorts of curry, that make a list for you to try.
10. You realize our favorite place to eat is at a mamak stall.

In every Malaysian’s heart, mamak stall is the place to be anytime. It serves all kinds of food except non-halal food and alcohol because it is run by Indian Muslim. Certain mamak stalls open 24 hours a day and the price for the food is relatively cheap than restaurants, that is why we love it! Whether you are having a family dinner, alone or with friends or watching a football match (every mamak has TV and it is a culture watching sports while drinking milk tea). Some typical food is mamak rojak, maggi goreng, chapati and dosai. Teh tarik (pulled tea) is apparently the most ordered drink in a mamak, don’t forget to try it. Some mamak stalls you can try out are Pelita, Kayu and Murni.
sowdo maxamed
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