10 Interesting Facts You Realize When Traveling In Malaysia

5. You realize we speak Manglish.

Kota Kinabalu Mosque at dawn
Reflection of Kota Kinabalu City Mosque, Island of Borneo, Malaysia

English education started since the British colonization, as time goes by it has evolved into Malaysian English. It can be a mix of Malay and English or Chinese and English or maybe more! Don’t worry because we try not to speak Manglish to foreigners as it seems embarrassing. Below stated a few common examples.

Got: Instead of ‘have’, we use ‘got’.

Common phrase: “You got or not?” which literally means ‘Do you have it?”

Lah: We add ‘lah’ to almost every sentence, it doesn’t mean anything but to emphasize.

Common phrase: “So funny lah you.” which means “You are so funny!”

Ah: It is used a lot all the time. It is used to add emphasis to a question.

Common phrase: “You don’t know ah?” which means “Don’t you know?”

6. You realize that it is a majority Muslim country.

Malacca Straits Mosque in Malacca, Malaysia
Malacca Straits Mosque in Malacca, Malaysia.

Many people are surprised that Malaysia has majority Muslim in the population. We are a Muslim country and we have a lot of Islamic and Moorish influenced architecture in our buildings. Some of the famous ones that you must visit are Masjid Putra and Sultan Abdul Samad Building.

One Response

  1. sowdo maxamed
  2. November 2, 2022
  3. November 10, 2022

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