5. You realize we speak Manglish.

English education started since the British colonization, as time goes by it has evolved into Malaysian English. It can be a mix of Malay and English or Chinese and English or maybe more! Don’t worry because we try not to speak Manglish to foreigners as it seems embarrassing. Below stated a few common examples.
Got: Instead of ‘have’, we use ‘got’.
Common phrase: “You got or not?” which literally means ‘Do you have it?”
Lah: We add ‘lah’ to almost every sentence, it doesn’t mean anything but to emphasize.
Common phrase: “So funny lah you.” which means “You are so funny!”
Ah: It is used a lot all the time. It is used to add emphasis to a question.
Common phrase: “You don’t know ah?” which means “Don’t you know?”
6. You realize that it is a majority Muslim country.

Many people are surprised that Malaysia has majority Muslim in the population. We are a Muslim country and we have a lot of Islamic and Moorish influenced architecture in our buildings. Some of the famous ones that you must visit are Masjid Putra and Sultan Abdul Samad Building.
sowdo maxamed
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